This is long but well worth it if you are experiencing shedding from TE!! Back in March I had 2 surgeries within a week of one another, as well as a terrible infection that had to be treated very aggressively with multiple antibiotics during my hospital stay. Due to all of the medications in my system (within one week I was administered 30-40 medications), immediatley following my hospital visit I experienced a great amount of hair breakage and lost about 5 inches of hair. (I had very over processed blonde hair). As if this wasn't bad enough, about 10 weeks after my hospital stay, my hair started falling out - rapidly! I've had long thick hair my entire life and this was devastating to see how much hair I was losing during a shower, brushing, any time I touched it. I would find hair all over my house & car and I was so worried I would be left with nothing. I went to see a hair loss specialist and she explained that this type of loss is common with surgery, illness, postpartum. She assured me I would not go completely bald, and that after 3-6 months it would start to lessen, and then new hair would grow. During this time I was about 6 weeks into losing my hair and couldn't fathom experiencing potentially 4 more months of this!! She explained that there wasn't much I could do to stop this type of hair loss, but if I treated my scalp and kept it clean and stimulated, new hair would grow in faster. Desperate to find anything that would help, I bought this kit. I used it exactly as directed. The first couple washes I had just as much hair loss, no change. However after using the product for a few weeks it seemed like with each shower there was less and less in the drain. Now - this could just be the trajectory that I was on. I don't know if it would have slowed down on its own without the product. But what I can tell you is that my new growth is insane! As quickly as I started to get patches on my head were I could start to see my scalp, brand new hair was growing right in its place. It was like one day it was gone and the next it started growing back. I have little spikes of new hair all over my head which are filling in those bare spots! I've only been using this regimen for 5 weeks, and to me that is very rapid to see such a difference. So I highly recommend this kit for anyone going through something similar - or if you just want a nice, clean, healthy scalp. It has a minty spa-like smell and feels very tingly while using. I'll definitely be repurchasing this kit once mine runs out. I'll also mention that a little goes a long way so it lasts, which makes it worth the price for sure! 10/10